

whats wrong with me haa ?!! damn !!! knp kiky tibetibe rse cemburu ? cemburu x bertempatt lgsg. knp dgn smue nehh ? tlunk lh jgn pkr lagy kisah yg lepas. PAST IS PAST KIKY !!! hmmm. sedihnye bilee teringatt blekk time dye nanges dpn kiky. tp syg nye yg air matee tuuu bkn milik kiky. ohh shitt ! until now i can't accept all of this. how can i forgett all about you and her ? HOW ??? serius xsukee ini mcm. toloonngg lh bg kiky ubt utk lpe smue nehh. haiiyooo. adakah ini salah satu risiko apabilaa kitehh couple dgn best friend kitehh sndry and kitehh tahuu kisah silamnye bersama ex girlfriendnye ? ohh tidakk !!! please go away from my mind !!! hmm. bertenang kiky, just tarikk nafass dlm dlm & lpaskn pelahan-lahan. buatt 3 kali sahajaa.. ok, rase redee ckett kn ? hmm, I'M FEELING BETTER :) thankyou,