
Cakap tak serupa bikin

hello blogger.
1stly kiky nk kasikk tahuu yg kiky mmg xde idea lgsg psal title yg nehh.
ckp x s'rupa bikin nehh sbnrnye dituju kpd kiky sndry.
kiky ckp kt kwn2 yg kiky da xnk kt F lh ape smue tuu.
serius nk ptus lh ape kn. tp cple lagy.
mcm nehh ctr dye ,act minggu lpas kiky dgn dye da break.
kiky yg ckp nk break sbb dye tpo kiky.
serius kiky sakett aty time tuu sbb kne tpo idup2.
mmg xbule trime lh kn sbb kiky xpena tpo dye lagy.
smpay da tawar aty dgn dye. trus ckp nk ptus tnpe pkr pjg.
dye call and msg ,kiky x angkt and x rply
xlme tuu ,kiky rse mcm da lege ckett. kiky try call dye.
dye angkt ,tp sore dye mcm baruu lpas nanges jeq.
agakk t'kejutt jugaa lh kiky. mmg xnk pcye pun.
mne lh tahuu dye buatt2 sore baruu lpas nanges.
kiky pun suro dye dtg rumaa ,even da mlm.
sbb nk tgk btul ke dye nanges. mmg dye xnk dtg tp kiky pkse.
kiky ugutt dye ,kalo xnk dtg means mmg btul dye x sygs kiky.
ok dye dtg. means dye sygs kiky. ok ,mmg mata dye sembab gilee.
ohh shitt ,x tahuu nk ckp ape time tgk muke dye.
rse nk jeq pluk dye kuatt2.
kiky adee tnye dye npe tpo kiky ,dye xnk gtahu jugaa
ok xpe ,kiky mlas nk gado lagy. kiky pun xtnye da.
tp keesokan ary ,kiky tnye dye. kiky suro dye ctr a smpay z.
ok ,dye pluk kiky then ctr. sbnrnye dye xde niatt nk tpo kiky.
dye cume nk wt surprise jeq kt kiky. tp smue tuu x jd sbb da jd laen.
lme jugaa kiky diam ,nk pcye atau tidak. tp kiky pcye sbb hmmm ntah lh.
kiky warning dye ,kalo nk wt surprise xperlu smpay nk menipu.
kiky xsuke kne tpo oleh dye sbb kiky xpena tpo dye
hmm. tuu jeq lh kutt. btw sorry psal title tuu.
mcm ntah pape jeq kn kn ? hee. adee kiky kesah ?
ok thanks sbb sudi bce and singgah blog kiky :)